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你可能会想你永远不会定义未使用的变量,你可能要再考虑考虑。看下面的函数,此函数返回password的加密版本,提供的password需要足够长。如果password太短,函数会抛出一个logic_error类型的异常,此异常被定义在标准C++库中(Item 54):
1 // this function defines the variable "encrypted" too soon 2 3 std::string encryptPassword(const std::string& password) 4 5 { 6 7 using namespace std; 8 9 string encrypted;10 11 if (password.length() < MinimumPasswordLength) {12 13 throw logic_error("Password is too short");14 15 }16 17 ... // do whatever is necessary to place an18 19 // encrypted version of password in encrypted20 21 return encrypted;22 23 }
1 // this function postpones encrypted’s definition until it’s truly necessary 2 3 std::string encryptPassword(const std::string& password) 4 5 { 6 7 using namespace std; 8 9 if (password.length() < MinimumPasswordLength) {10 11 throw logic_error("Password is too short");12 13 }14 15 string encrypted;16 17 ... // do whatever is necessary to place an18 19 // encrypted version of password in encrypted20 21 return encrypted;22 23 }
1 void encrypt(std::string& s); // encrypts s in place
1 // this function postpones encrypted’s definition until 2 3 // it’s necessary, but it’s still needlessly inefficient 4 5 std::string encryptPassword(const std::string& password) 6 7 { 8 9 ... // import std and check length as above10 11 string encrypted; // default-construct encrypted12 13 encrypted = password; // assign to encrypted14 15 encrypt(encrypted);16 17 return encrypted;18 19 }
1 // finally, the best way to define and initialize encrypted 2 3 std::string encryptPassword(const std::string& password) 4 5 { 6 7 ... // import std and check length 8 9 string encrypted(password); // define and initialize via copy10 11 // constructor12 13 encrypt(encrypted);14 15 return encrypted;16 17 }
1 // Approach A: define outside loop 2 3 Widget w; 4 5 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { 6 7 w = some value dependent on i; 8 9 ... 10 11 } 12 13 14 15 // Approach B: define inside loop16 17 for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {18 19 Widget w(some value dependent oni);20 21 ...22 23 }
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